Shagrat Records
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John Hurford Gallery
  Shagrat Records was started in 1990 by Nigel Cross, founding editor of Bucketfull of Brains magazine, for many of the usual reasons that people start their own record labels.

  With no particular angle except to release stuff that has been recorded in or been inspired by the first British underground era, or the West Coast rock scene of the late 60s, Shagrat Records tips its hat to Dandelion and the early Stiff releases.

  We work with only the best and are very proud to say that some of the finest artists have designed our releases - originally the late Edward Barker - cartoonist, designer and underground figure par excellence - and subsequently Savage Pencil, Billy Childish,
Mike McInnerney, Bryan Talbot and most recently with the amazing John Hurford.
At Shagrat Records we know that releasing music in the traditional way means using paper and plastic and the industrial production process so in order to reduce our carbon imprint, we buy a grove of trees for each new release via the charity Trees for Life, which is dedicated to the restoration and regeneration of the ancient Caledonian Forest in the Highlands of Scotland. So far we have groves for the Darrow Mosley Band, Mad River, Horace,
Lawrence Hammond & Brainiac 5
- the trees are paid for by Shagrat's Nigel Cross, not the artists.
For more info on Trees for Life please visit:
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